Early Christmas morning, our two elders--Brenkmann and Moses came to our home with their Christmas hats on and ready for a full day of adventure.
The table was set and the "pull-aparts", cocoa, and juice were ready and waiting.
Hmmmmmm! Elder Collins got to the one that escaped! And we enjoyed!
Then we loaded ourselves into the truck and headed to Georgetown, via the Amerindian homes and villages on the way--taking Books of Mormon, candy canes, pencils and Happy Factory Toys to give to the kids and their families.
Look at the parrot we held!
We made lots of people happy that day--such a neat experience--that's what Christmas should be about--giving and the gospel!
After visiting places close to the Linden Highway, we ventured towards the Cuthbert Mission and a Amerindian Village--quite a ways through white sand roads-"trails"- until this is what we saw. A village that had 1500 people--and we only had a few cars and books left (!)
On the way back out to the highway and again towards Georgetown, were we playing in SNOW? Sure looks like it!
Hmmmmm! We do believe that Elder Brenkmann can fall asleep once the car starts! Maybe that's how his parents put him to sleep when he was a little boy--drove him around the block a couple times :)
When we arrived at the Hymas Home, the women were already working hard in the kitchen preparing Navajo Tacos and all the fixings! Sister Collins whipped the cream for her pies. --while the elders watched movies.
Then it was time to fill our plates and enjoy!
Elder Moses, Elder Brenkmann, Sister Collins, Elder Ramnarain, and Elder Collins.
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