Richie and a friend are catching the bait fish (they use mixture they have made and it sinks to the bottom, the fish take it and jump out of the water; and as they do, the boys catch them in their hands)--it's fun to watch! Evan Elder Moses tried it!
Elder Collins was probably the first one out on the rocks and the first to catch a fish--Piranha and catfish mostly. Ryan and Elder Moses joined him.
Elder Brenkmann was on another venture to jump the rocks! Vishal shows him how it is done! Elder Moses then joins this fun!
Back to important things (!) Fishing. Elder Collins would catch them and Elder Moses would butcher them!
Relocating the picnic spot--sort of out of the rain! I think Celena and I were wetter under the tree than if we had have stayed out on the rocks!
Another Catfish to butcher! The dog wanted to help!
The highlight of the trip was when Elder Collins went fishing in the boat! This was the picture that I was trying to take when I slipped and "killed our camera"!
We all enjoyed our P-Day and the Ramdeholl Family!
Beautiful country!