Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving in Guyana-2009

Our four elders, Elder Collins and I had a great time for our Thanksgiving Dinner; we had it later in the evening so that they could get their planning done and out visiting people before we ate. Elder Collins and I prepared the dinner, made pies, and of course the turkey, dressing, yams, cranberries, mashed potatoes (enough for a small army!), gravy, jello, homemade rolls, hmmmm! and I know there had to be even more....
It started with the turkey coming out of the oven.....Elder Collins and Elder Moses had a great time carving the turkey! Elder Moses took lots of pictures!

The table was set! Ready for the food and the people! Look at our great "dining room"--perfect!

Everyone ready---Elder Moses, Elder Ramnarain, Elder Brenkmann and Elder Park!

And Elder Collins! And we enjoyed each other and the food!

Then Pie Time! Apple, Pumpkin, Cherry, and Banana Cream!

Hmmmmmmmmm! Enough said!


1 comment:

  1. I just made a poster for the ward to see all of the wonderful pictures here on your blog:) We just love telling everyone about your adventures!

    Our missionary is back home and ready for work and school now. We had a fabulous time visiting the saints in Switzerland:) Big Hugs-Dolly
