Sister Bridgeman had most of the material necessary to build the roof.
We met there Sat., Feb. 21st. After picking up a few necessary items, such as anchor bolts and cement, Elders Holmstead, Thomas, Cronin, and White, President Ali, Brother Alexander, and Elder Collins were able to get all of the wood plates in place ready to start setting rafters. Because Monday and Tuesday were national holidays – Carnival, we scheduled work from 7:00 until about 10:00 each mornin
Monday morning with our crew strengthened by the addition of brother Duff and brother Maloney, we were able to frame the structure and install the corrugated galvanized roofing over two of the four rooms that we planned to cover; and still get most of the crew to the “Branch Carnival” activity – an all day party both days – by about 11:00. Breakfast was furnished by President Farrier and President Flanders
With some special funds furnished to us at Christmas time, by members of our family, with the instructions of using the money to help someone, we were able to purchase enough lumber to frame the additional rooms. We had prayed about different ideas and people on how to use the money—nothing was working until this happened. Elder Collins knew that we had found the right family with the right needs—it felt right! We are planning on using some more of it for a few beds for them.
By 10:30, Tuesday morning, the last two rooms were covered. Breakfast was furnished by the Ali family, and everyone went to the branch for festivities. What a great way to render service; everyone was so willing to help—the Elders even added some blisters to their hands and still didn’t mind the hard work!